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Capacity Building

Capacity Building

A core service that provides our clients with training, guidance, advice and information, that will help them better deliver quality products and services!

Capacity Building

At the heart of the services we offer is our Capacity Building and Training; a core service that provides our clients with training, guidance, advice and information, that will help them better deliver quality products and services.

We empower young companies to manage their design thinking process by which they obtain, improve, and retain the skills, knowledge, tools, equipment and other resources needed to manage and achieve their roles proficiently The other areas from which we build capacity include;

  • Business development training
  • Information Technology
  • Marketing (research, promotions)
  • Staffing (selection, development)
  • Team Building
  • Collaboration Planning
  • Strategic Management and Planning
  • Financial Management
  • Personal growth and career development

We also have special programs that we run in isolation with the aim of developing strategic capacity that align into our vision. These programs target youth employment and entrepreneurship development in Uganda and ultimately Africa as a whole.

We not only have them as services, but also has a product that achieves a mentorship role to the rising entrepreneurs of today. They include:

  • The young professionals program
  • The Meetups
  • The Fortnyt Series
  • The #StartupExperience




+256 392 138 358


Plot 668, Kayondo Road


Mon – Sun: 7AM – 9PM
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