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Below you’ll find answers to the questions we get asked the most about Offisar, the remote working platform for your business and other FAQs regarding TechBuzz Hub as a whole.

We’re an innovation hub that provides Coworking space services to entrepreneurs

At Ntinda, plot 668, Kayondo Road [When you reach Ntinda stage, find Najim mall, use the Marram road on your right, looking straight ahead, the first flat on your Left hand with red roof (Not painted) is where TechBuzz Hub is.

Contract was ready for signing on November 1, 2020 and that is when counting 6months period begins. However, it takes effect immediately after you’ve signed it.

For this offer, you must first agree with contract terms by signing it. That automatically makes you a member.

No, not at all. You shall only pay only if you want to use our services which are not covered by the contract.

As TechBuzz Hub members, you are entitled to 50% discount on all our direct services & products like; other coworking packages, trainings, startup branding, incubation, etc.

No. We are considering one slot for your company. But you are okay to switch who accesses on your team. However, only recognised people on your team are those whose names were shared in the form you filled about your company. Otherwise you shall be required to introduce new ones with official & evidence documents.

No. You can secure an appointment to meet clients any time of the week, however, you must follow procedure as stated in the contract.

You have access to; one day of 9-5PM a week, Client meeting space, internet, power, desk, chair, washrooms, space maintenance, Use of our physical address as your own.

This is our Covid effect Recovery and Resilience intervention to entrepreneurs that have been affected to at least keep in business. And we are supporting many more entrepreneurs. We therefore cannot afford to give you Daily space yet others also need.

We shall be signing you up to the remote working platform where you shall have 24/7 access to the remote work platform as opposed to the one day you have for physical access.

It is exactly a physical experience transformed to remote. At the comfort of your home, with your internet you have access to your membership account, online workstation, clients, work tools and TechBuzz Hub community of entrepreneurs, mentors, Talent and startup enterprises.

Depending on how much value & leverage you shall have enjoyed, you are free to START SUBSCRIPTION OF YOUR MEMBERSHIP starting with as low as Fifteen Thousand Shillings only (15,000) per month to keep a remote member or UNSUBSCRIBE from use of our services.

No. That is not allowed/accepted.

Those described by any parts of the contract. Our contract does not limit you from any personal/business undertakings or interests of any kind outside your membership with TechBuzz Hub except if it affects us in whatsoever way.

Yes. Recommending/introducing us to other startups or entrepreneurs who can benefit from our pprogrammes.



+256 392 138 358


Plot 668, Kayondo Road


Mon – Sun: 7AM – 9PM
Verified by MonsterInsights