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TechBuzz Hub’s Resilience Recovery Program 2021

TechBuzz Hub with support from The Innovation Village Under Mastercard Foundation, is launching a recovery intervention towards the startups and entrepreneurs so that they develop resilience in their businesses

TechBuzz Hub, a hub and Entrepreneurial Support Organization in Uganda, has as part of its mandate, the commitment to source and build the capacity promising innovations in various sectors of the ecosystem.

The Resilience Recovery Program

The Resilience Recovery Program is looking to address the gaps below:

1. Mentoring and Training

Training and Mentoring is an approach used by TechBuzz Hub  to train entrepreneurs, individuals and startups where we give them expert advice and custom training using a startup tool-kit.

We offer  entrepreneurs, individuals and startups an opportunity to join our startup facility incubation program, access to startup support tools like Startup experience and access to a mentor. 

Are you an entrepreneur, startup or an individual looking forward to starting your own  business ?


  • Custom Training using a startup tool-kit 
  • Opportunity to join our startup facility incubation program.
  • Access to startup support tools like Startup Experience
  • Access to a mentor

Click here to Apply  for our training and mentoring program.


2. Training Webinars and Master Classes

These sessions take a progressive methodology approach from idea generation all through the process of implementation and growth.

With our training webinars and master classes, they provide you with foundational knowledge and skills of an enterprise with an array of major startup inception areas. We provide access to some tools and technical support under this program.

Are you an entrepreneur , individual or startup ready to fill the knowledge gap?


  • Foundational knowledge and skills of an enterprise with an array of major startup inception areas
  • Access to some of the tools 
  • Technical support

Click here to subscribe for our weekly webinars.


3. Enterprise and Entrepreneurs Diagnosis/Business Analysis (Graphic in drive folder)

EED is a simple but critical approach we use to support entrepreneurs. With it, we visit entrepreneurs at their premises, have a holistic conversation about their businesses and share advice, ideas and recommendations.

If they need, we further assess them and later offer them technical support in areas they are challenged with. 

The kind of support include; training, process evaluation, etc.

Are you an innovator with the right products/services for at market level but struggling to with managing both internal and external processes?


  • Operations audit from operations to customers
  • Report for the diagnosis
  • Access to some tools and technical support as per the recommendations might suggest.

Click here to Apply for our Entrepreneur and Enterprise Diagnostic (EED)


4. Opportunity Linkages (Graphic in drive folder)

Opportunity Linkages are connections to opportunities. 

With it,  we provide remote office access at offisar, access to a directory of startup service providers, strategic networks (workforce, mentors entrepreneurs and enterprises), business and job opportunities. 

Are you an entrepreneur or Startup looking for opportunities ?


  • Remote office Access
  • Access to a directory of startup service providers. 
  • Access to to strategic networks (Workforce, Mentors Entrepreneurs and Enterprises)
  • Access to Business and Job opportunities,

Click here to Apply for our opportunity linkages.


Eligibility Requirements

If you are a start-up…

  • Your start-up must be having a legal registration at the time of application. It can be business name, for profit or not-for-profit registration type.
  • Your innovation must at least be three months old but better if you are at minimum Viable Product, Proof-of-concept and initial traction is preferred.
  • Your solution should be financially viable.
  • Your proposal must show how working with TechBuzz Hub will serve your long-term strategy.

If you are already involved under a different programme under TechBuzz Hub

  • Your team must have evidence of management team buy-in.
  • You are encouraged to apply, regardless of your current contract type or function.
  • We accept project applications that are also partnership structured

How We Select Innovations

Applications submitted to the TechBuzz Hub are assessed according to a standard set of criteria, and are reviewed by both TechBuzz Hub and external experts. Please note that we prioritize projects that are designed alongside our core users—vulnerable and startup entrepreneurs—and that show initial traction and market validation to ensure impact and maximize cost effectiveness. We are looking for innovations that meet the following expectations:

  • Impact for the people we serve and potential to create more jobs
  • Feasibility, including time to deliver impact, technology maturity, and user traction
  • Level of innovation
  • Financial sustainability with a clear business case that does 
  • Team strength, experience, and commitment

Deadline: Until application closes! Check the application links 


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